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Elias Lopez
Elias Lopez

Encouragement [BETTER]

Walking tests, frequently used to document effects of treatment on exercise capacity, have never been standardised. We studied the effects of encouragement on walking test performance in a randomised study that controlled for the nature of the underlying disease, time of day, and order effects. We randomised 43 patients with chronic airflow limitation or chronic heart failure or both to receive or not receive encouragement as they performed serial two and six minute walks every fortnight for 10 weeks. Simple encouragement improved performance (p less than 0.02 for the six minute walk), and the magnitude of the effect was similar to that reported for patients in studies purporting to show beneficial effects of therapeutic manoeuvres. Age and test repetition also affected performance. These results demonstrate the need for careful standardisation of the performance of walking tests, and suggest caution in interpreting studies in which standardisation is not a major feature of the study design.


Encouragement is one of the complementary strategies that safe routes to school (SRTS) programs use to increase the number of children who walk and bicycle to school safely. In particular, encouragement and education strategies are closely intertwined, working together to promote walking and bicycling by rewarding participation and educating children and adults about safety and the benefits of bicycling and walking.

There are many encouragement strategies that will be described in this section, such as Walk to School Days, when the whole school is invited to take one day off from their usual routine to join in the parade of children walking and bicycling to school. Walking school buses and bicycle trains are organized efforts that group children with adults for safety and for fun while contests help to encourage students to walk or bicycle by offering rewards and recognition. The ideas described in this section are just a sample of what a community can create. Divided into three categories, each category in this section includes a description; a summary of how to conduct the activity and examples of how real-life communities are "putting it into practice."

Answering the following questions can help a community plan encouragement activities that are the right size and reach the intended audience. An assessment of school walking routes along with surveys or informal discussions with parents, school personnel and students are ways to gather this information.

The encouragement activities that are chosen will be influenced by the number of children that are able to walk and bicycle from home and whether there is a desire to include children who live too far or have unsafe routes. For every activity, a plan to measure the impact should be created so that volunteers and partners can find out how their work is making a difference.

Scripture is filled with encouraging Bible verses that provide an uplifting word of hope and inspiration for your day. The Scriptures quotes below can give you daily encouragement and provide the strength to persevere through life's challenges. God wants us to comfort us in times of need. If you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, the Bible can lift your spirits and give you a fresh start! Read these verses from the Holy Bible about encouragement and experience God's healing power for your heart and soul. Meditate on these verses throughout the day and share them with your friends so you can send encouragement and impact someone else's day!

The best way to fight discouragement is by meditating on words of encouragement! To assist you in finding or offering others an uplifting word of encouragement, we have gathered this collection of over 100 encouraging Bible verses to grow your faith. May these Scripture quotes help you find renewed strength today - and share them with others!

In this paper we draw on novel survey data to provide unique insights into PhD students' career preferences, changes in preferences over the course of the PhD program, and faculty advisors' encouragement of specific career paths. In conjunction with existing data on the realities of labor market opportunities, our results speak to common concerns regarding labor market imbalances. At the same time, our data suggest the need to consider important differences across fields.

Second, respondents across all three major fields feel that their advisors and departments strongly encourage academic research careers while being less encouraging of other career paths. Such strong encouragement of academic careers may be dysfunctional if it exacerbates labor market imbalances or creates stress for students who feel that their career aspirations do not live up to the expectations of their advisors. In the context of prior findings that students feel well-informed about the characteristics of academic careers but less so about careers outside of academia [17], our results suggest that PhD programs should more actively provide information and training experiences that allow students to learn about a broader range of career options, including those that are currently less encouraged. Richer information and a more neutral stance by advisors and departments will likely improve career decision-making and has the potential to simultaneously improve labor market imbalances as well as future career satisfaction [23], [24]. Advisors' apparent emphasis on encouraging academic careers does not necessarily reflect an intentional bias, however. Rather, it may reflect that advisors themselves chose an academic career and have less experience with other career options. Thus, administrators, policy makers, and professional associations may have to complement the career guidance students' advisors and departments provide.

Finally, in interpreting the results regarding advisor encouragement, it has to be kept in mind that our measures reflect students' perceptions of the degree to which certain careers are encouraged/discouraged in their lab or department. While these perceptions should have the most direct impact on junior scientists' career decisions, future research should also examine objective measures of advisor encouragement.

Encouragement is one of the most powerful tools a teacher can use. It is often the key to unlocking untapped potential in children, especially those who have trouble learning. Below is a look at the power of encouragement and some simple steps that parents and educators can take to encourage students during the learning process.

There is no single recommended formula for encouraging students to succeed. Every young learner is unique and will respond differently to encouragement. However, there are some universal ways to show encouragement to students inside and outside the classroom. Below are eight simple ways you can take to encourage students to succeed.

The path to student confidence begins by creating a culture of encouragement. Teachers and parents can build a culture of encouragement by embodying the belief that every student has potential and is the ability to accomplish their goals. Additionally, you should strive to focus on students' positive behaviors and actions as opposed to their negative ones.

Keeping students on the right track once they demonstrate progress is vital to helping them achieve their goals. Providing verbal praise is a great way to offer encouragement to students who show progress throughout the learning journey.

Tangible forms of encouragement give students a visual reminder that they have the power to learn and succeed. They are especially effective when used sparingly or in moderation after students achieve learning milestones in the classroom. Here are a few tangible forms of encouragement that can inspire students to continue to work toward their goals:

Students are accustomed to being recognized for achieving major learning accomplishments and milestones. For instance, students typically receive praise when they learn how to read, complete a grade, or graduate from elementary school or high school. However, a true culture of encouragement involves praising students for small achievements and modest improvements in their efforts.

Schools with a culture of encouragement are known for recognizing students for their accomplishments in newsletters and at ceremonies. Others post inspiring messages on social media and post students' names on plaques and on banners in the hallway. When students receive this type of formal recognition, they are reminded that they have the power to achieve success.

"Some people offer encouragement in a boisterous way. They dole out lavish and effusive praise, bear hugs, and hearty cheers or applause. Other encouragers turn to techniques that are quiet and subtle: a soft smile, a kind word, or a light touch on the hand."

No two students are exactly alike in terms of the way that they respond to encouragement. In order to connect with as many students as possible, you will need to vary or combine your modes of encouragement. Nonverbal gestures such as smiles, nods, or light touches are often just as effective as verbal forms of encouragement. Ideally, you will be able to recognize which types of encouragement best motivate a particular student and use those tactics.

Precision can determine how impactful your encouragement is for a student. Using specific adjectives and descriptors can help your encouragement resonate with a student, whereas general praise is often not as meaningful. For instance, compare the two comments below and imagine their impact on a student:

It is easy to offer encouragement when a student is succeeding. However, encouragement is often the most effective when students receive it when they are struggling to master concepts. By offering support when a student is failing or struggling, you reaffirm your unconditional positive regard for the student. This is a critical way to build trust and rapport with a student.

Clearly, there are many steps that teachers and parents can take to encourage children to succeed. However, the single best step a parent can take to ensure that their children receive the encouragement they need is to select a school that recognizes the power of encouragement. At Kentwood Preparatory School, we offer a culture of encouragement that helps students gain the confidence they need to thrive during and after school. We invite you to contact us to learn more about our award-winning school and how we encourage our students to succeed. We look forward to helping your child prosper. 041b061a72


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