Planetino 1 Arbeitsbuch Pdf Download
Planetino 1 Arbeitsbuch Pdf Download
Planetino 1 is a German course book for children who are learning German as a foreign language. It is designed for beginners and covers the level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The course book consists of 12 units, each with a different theme and a variety of activities. The book also includes songs, stories, games, and cultural information about Germany and other German-speaking countries.
If you are looking for a PDF version of the Planetino 1 Arbeitsbuch (workbook), you can find it online from various sources. However, you should be aware that downloading or sharing copyrighted material without permission is illegal and may have consequences. Therefore, we recommend that you purchase the original book from the publisher or a licensed distributor. Here are some options for buying the Planetino 1 Arbeitsbuch:
Download File:
You can order it from the Hueber online shop, where you can also find other materials related to the Planetino series, such as the Kursbuch (course book), the Lehrerhandbuch (teacher's manual), the audio CDs, and the digital edition.
You can buy it from, where you can also read reviews from other customers and compare prices from different sellers.
You can find it in a local bookstore or library near you. You can use the ISBN number 978-3-19-408601-0 to search for it.
If you want to learn more about the Planetino series, you can visit the official website, where you can find sample pages, videos, audios, and interactive exercises. You can also download a PDF glossary of the vocabulary and phrases in German and English for each level of the course book.
We hope this article was helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Happy learning!